How to apply for X1 VISA from Nepal
A photograph of X1 VISA (source: In the last blog, I have instructed about application procedure for Chinese Government Scholarship - China University Programme (CGS-CUP). After you have been accepted as CGS-CUP scholarship student at the designated university, you will get a form of 'Visa Application for Study in China' and a copy of an 'Admission Notice' sent by your prospective university after the approval by China Scholarship Council (CSC). Now, the best opportunity to travel abroad with the aim to get a higher education degree and to make a way further for your career is in your hand. When you receive these two documents you need to go to Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal (Shortly, Chinese Embassy in Nepal ) to apply for a study visa. In this post, I am going to write briefly about the types of study visa for China and application process. Study visa in China ...